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financial institutions in Sri Lanka.

 Monday – Friday : 8:30am – 3:30pm 



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SMILE III Revolving Fund is a general loan scheme designed to support the manufacturing industries and industry related service sectors.

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To create a conductive environment for sustainable, commercially competitive, manufacturing entities, producing high value-added products and a vibrant commercial regime capable of contributing to the enhancement of living standard of the people.

Scope of the Project

  • General Loan Scheme
    • All the sub-projects would need to generate additional productive capacity or allow the enterprise to increase its level of operation or improve the quality of a product or improve the price competitiveness of a product.
  • Technical Transfer Assistance
    • Scheme Sub-projects under this may focus to upgrade accounting, managerial and technical skills of the sub-project staff or should facilitate operation, management and implementation of projects, by way of consultancy or should upgrade the quality of end products of sub-projects by purchasing quality control equipment inclusive of laboratory equipment. Disbursement of the sub project under this category should be less than 5% of the total project amount.

Maximum Loan Amount

  • General Loan Scheme (GLS)
    • The maximum amount of loan under this category is Rs.25 Mn for Small and Micro Entrepreneurs. (However, until the end of 2024, i.e. until 31.12.2024 the maximum loan value allowed is capped for Rs.15Mn)
  • Technical Transfer Assistance Scheme (TTAS)
    • Maximum of Rs.2.5 Mn per enterprise could be considered under the TTAS Scheme.

Interest Rate

  • 8% p.a.( Fixed)

Terms and conditions will apply

Loan Calculator

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Savings Deposits Rates

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Applications & Forms

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Main Sectors

Tea ( to be considered value addition under packaging)





Textile & Apparel

Food products

Herbal products

Information Technology (excluding Trading)

Gem & Jeweler (Design development and introduction of new technology))

Handlooms and handicrafts




Spices(Value addition)

Wood products

Production of Machinery, tools & apparatus/ Metal products and allied industries

Manufacturing based service sector

Tourism and Hotel Sector

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MSME Special Loan Scheme

A special loan facility for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that offer financing solutions to launch a business or...

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Business Development Loans

Designed to finance individual and corporate entrepreneurs to continue or improve their businesses. Business Development Loans for Individual and Corporate...

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How Can We Help

Rates & Charges

Savings Deposits Rates


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No. 269, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.

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