The State Mortgage and Investment Bank (SMIB) is one of the most established
financial institutions in Sri Lanka.
Designed to finance individual and corporate entrepreneurs to continue or improve their businesses. Business Development Loans for Individual and Corporate Clients (micro, small, medium, and corporate entrepreneurs)
Achieve your financial aspirations. Start your journey with SMIB
This product offers financial assistance for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises to achieve their growth potential. This facility has been made available to Banks by the CBSL Monetary Law Act Order No. 02 of 2021 to provide financial solutions in line with the current market trends.
This product has been designed to finance individual and corporate entrepreneurs (who have been in business for a minimum of one year) to continue or improve their businesses.
Instalments should be paid by the borrower to settle the loan capital and interest through their savings account at SMIB during the loan tenure. The instalment type can be designed as per the project/business's cash flow.
For example, the mode of repayment can be decided as per the nature of cash flow such as EMI/Quarter/Semiannual instalments that might be applied for agriculture, manufacturing, construction, purchase of fixed assets, working capital facilities, etc. Bullet re-payments might be applied for property development facilities, order-specific financing, etc., where interest is serviced monthly and capital repayment at the end of tenure/specific period, based on the cash flow derived from the project/order.
Conditions apply
For more information, visit our nearest SMIB Branch or Contact Us via our Call Centre at 1922
The following sectors have been identified for future lending procedures of the Bank and they will cover all the types of business lending.
Cultivation of Tea, Coconut, Rubber, perennial crops, other commercial crops and related product processing activities, horticulture, floriculture, herbal plantation and related activities, organic fertilizer production and related activities, other agro plantation and related activities, fishing, and related activities.
Apparel products – export and domestic purpose, Furniture and wood products, Printing & Publishing, Steel & Metal Products, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals & health care, Plastic products, Electronics and electrical components, Leather products, Footwear products, Production of medical utilities and related, Domestic cottage industry Rubber & rubber products, Ship & boat building, Cosmetics, Batik & handloom, Gem & Jewelry, Motor vehicle assembly, Porcelain, Ceramic and pottery and others.
Hotels, Tour Operators & Travel Agents, Hotel Management Services, Restaurants, and others.
Buses, Lorries, Trucks & Cars, Shipping & Freight Forwarders, and others.
Building & Housing Construction, Property Development – Commercial and Residential and others.
Telecommunications, computers, Internet, E-Commerce, Information Technology – Hardware and Software and others.
Mega project Development, Power Generation, Water Development, Road development and others. The exposure limit for sectors and sub-sectors will be decided by the ECC subject to the Central Bank guidelines.
Credit Facilities will be entertained for the following purposes within the sectors/sub-sectors mentioned above.
Maximum direct and indirect exposure for business development to a single client should be no more than LKR 50 Mn. Total group exposure should be limited to LKR 100 Mn. Facilities above the limit could be accommodated after being subjected to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Maximum Exposure to a Project
The maximum amount should be 75% of the total project and the balance 25% of the Project should be financed through personal funds. (This could include existing and new investments). The said exposure limit will not be applicable for working capital finance.
Repayment period
The maximum repayment period of the loan is 5 Years. The grace period is 0-6 months.
However, the repayment period and grace period are not granted automatically and will be at the discretion of the management, considering the projected cash flow. Interest for the grace period should be paid during the grace period by the borrower every month. Any deviations should be referred to the ECC.
Please leave your details and any comments or inquiries you may have in the form below. Our attentive team will review your message and assist you soon.
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Rates & Charges
Savings Deposits Rates
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